Wrestling like in America February 12 Tel Aviv Click here for tickets רסלינג כמו אצל האמריקאיים פברואר 12 בבית ציוני אמריקה. לחצו לכרטיסים

IPWA Championship

Our current IPWA World Champion is AVIZOV!!!

 IPWA Championship history:




Gery Roif*

July 24, 2003

Herzliya, Israel

Nadav Arbel/
Evgeny Lyder**

February 24, 2004

Netanya, Israel

New York Rosenfeld

April 13, 2004

Netanya, Israel

Gery Roif [2]

April 13, 2004

Netanya, Israel

Joey Tylec

July 6, 2004

Netanya, Israel

Gery Roif [3]

April 28, 2005

Netanya, Israel

Omry Balely

November 17, 2005

Tel Aviv, Israel

Hawaii Allen

February 28, 2006

Tel Aviv, Israel

Sharon Palty***

June 9, 2007

Tel Aviv, Israel

Yossi the Bull

May 13, 2009

Tel Aviv, Israel

Rabbi Swissa [4]****

July 14, 2011

Netanya, Israel


August 16, 2012

Netanya, Israel

Rabbi Swissa [5]*****

August 23, 2012

Netanya, Israel


January 21, 2013

Tel Aviv, Israel

Lior Libman ******

September 7, 2013

Dead Sea, Israel

Rabbi Swissa [6]*******

April 1st, 2019

Netanya, Israel

Matt Sydal

April 21, 2019

Lehavot Haviva, Israel


September 9th, 2024

Netanya, Israel


*Defeated Joey Tylec to become the inaugural champion.

**Arbel defeated Gery Roif in the semifinals of a tournament in which the championship was on the line in every match that the champion is in. Lyder won the tournament and title.

***Hawaii Allen vacated the title after moving from Israel to the U.S. Palty beat Yossi the Bull in the finals of a Tournament started at Passover Bash 2007 to win the title.

****Yossi vacated the title after IPWA took a break and moved from Maccabi. Swissa won a one night tournament, beating Lior Libman in the finals.

*****Tatanka vacated the title due being unable to defend it. Swissa defeated Ken Kerbis in the finals of a ten men Gauntlet match to win the vacant championship.

******Hellboy was stripped of the title. Libman beat De Shanell to determine new champion.

*******Swissa was awarded the title towards his championship match with Matt Sydal at Passover Bash.